Thursday, December 15, 2011

Does paypal automatically transfer money in ur account to your debit card?

If someone puts money in my paypal account, will paypal automatically put it on my debit card or is it something that will sit in my paypal account untill i manually tell it to transfer the amount to my debit card?|||If you have a PayPal debit card, no transfer is needed or possible. It draws directly from you PayPal balance. If you linked your bank account by means of a debit card, you need to specifically request a transfer to the account.

Note: There is NO SUCH THING as a debit card balance. A prepaid card is NOT a debit card.|||You'll have to specifically ask for the money. When you do, they'll only put it on a Visa card and will charge you extra for the convenience. If you can handle waiting a few days, link your bank account and withdraw it that way instead.|||you do it manually.

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